Meet the Producer: Everett Diem of Infinium Spirits



Dana Point, CA

Current location:

North Park, San Diego, CA


Infinium Spirits a company specializing in building a diverse and distinctive portfolio of award-winning spirit brands


Market Activation Manager

Years in current role:

2.5 Years in current role, 3 Years at Youngs Market Co. 2.5 Years at La Paz Tequila. 

Years in the industry:

8 Years

First job in the industry:

Although I consider my first job in the industry to be at La Paz, I was doing event production and promotions for years before which is where I gained my on premise knowledge. La Paz is a small family owned supplier in Orange County that manufactures dozens of cocktail mixes and imports a Reposado Tequila. Working at La Paz was a great learning experience for me, and ultimately allowed me to build up a relationship with their distributor and my future employer, Young's Market. 

Advice to your young self:

I would have told myself to put more emphasis on finishing my Bachelor's Degree. While I truly thought at the time that Job Experience outweighed the Degree, the degree was essential in progressing my career. 

Advice for someone just starting out:

Just to keep working hard, keep learning, and most importantly always make sure you maintain all your industry relationships because you really never know who might be your next boss or referral. 

Who you would want to share a drink with:

Probably Al Capone, just because he lived a very ruthless life running an empire. 

Most memorable drinking experience:

A Crystal Head Vodka incentive where we spent the day with Dan Aykroyd. First at Sony Studios, then his house in the Hills then dinner at Mastro's in Malibu. 


Your favorite bottle to bring to a party:

Skrewball, of course.

Last book read:

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Favorite movie:


Favorite sports teams:

Growing up it was the Lakers and Chargers. Now its the Ducks and Padres. 

Favorite cigar:


Most memorable drinking experience:

Crystal Head Vodka & Soda with Dan Aykroyd at his house in LA. 

Favorite celebratory drink:

Tears of Llorona

Most prized bottle in your collection:

Tears of Llorona

Favorite region to visit:

South France, particularly Minerve Village in the Minervois region. It’s such an amazing area with endless outstanding wines and tons of history. 

Product you’re most excited about in your portfolio:

Excited would be an understatement when it comes to our Templeton Rye Ten Year. This gem was a limited release many years ago, and is finally making a come back this year in an all new package. Bottling just began this week. 

Favorite drink that’s not in your portfolio:


Dream job:

Own a major real estate firm or sports team

Parting thought:

Although it's been an unbelievably difficult past year for many industries, there is a light visible at the end of the tunnel. I hope everyone is able to overcome the hurdles they're facing and turn 2021 into a prosperous and thriving year.