5 Best Beers to Drink This Spring

Spring Beer

Spring is in the air! Finally! After a unique winter of contrasts (our lack of snow here in Southern New England was concerning while my sister in the West had so much snow they’ll be digging out most likely until summer!), it’s time to open the windows, smell the fresh air and start thinking about beers to drink al fresco or out on the trail. I’ve prepared a list of great spring options, some seasonals, some all-year favorites, but beers you’ll gravitate towards as winter turns to spring and the days get longer, warmer and more inviting. 

Ayinger Celebrator

Ayinger Celebrator

Freak snowstorm? Looking for something to imbibe for the Lenten season? Chilly and rainy spring day? Ayinger Celebrator is beer brewed technically for winter and early spring but since Doppelbocks were invented to be enjoyed during the 40 days leading up to Easter in late March or early to mid April, I thought it would be a good addition. Celebrator has lots of raisin and toffee notes and I love it after a large meal. 

Bell’s Oberon

Bell’s Oberon

If you could only name one spring/summer seasonal that had anyone’s attention, it would be Bell’s Oberon. This American wheat ale is refreshing, with bready wheat notes and just a hint of fruitiness. This beer is very easy to find across most of the country. I like drinking it in April as it’s at its freshest and gets me in the mood for the approach of a humid summer. 

Genessee Spring Bock

Genessee Spring Bock

Who else but Genessee would put a bock in a 12 pack? Known mostly for their signature cream ale, Genny Spring Bock is released in January but I would hold a few cans for when the daffodils start to peek out. 5.2% and toasty, bocks are awesome for spring. Look for breweries brewing  “maibocks” or stronger pale beers made especially for spring German festivals. 

When I asked people what their favorite beer style to drink during spring was, the resounding answer was kolsch or saison. Both are refreshing, dry and are perfect for sunny days out of doors. I’ve picked my two favorites of the style for you to try once the rain stops and the flowers and trees are in their full bloom. 

Coast 32/50 Kolsch

Coast 32/50 Kolsch

I love Charleston, SC based Coast brewing and their kolsch is hands down one of my favorite kolsch styles brewed in America. It’s fun to see smaller breweries do this style and do it very well. Charleston is a hot weather town so every time I go down there, I’m stocking up on cans of this exceptional 4.8% ABV beer. 

Blackberry Farm Classic Saison

Blackberry Farm Classic Saison

There’s something about a can of saison that seems wrong. Will it still have that sparkling carbonation? Can you bottle condition a can? Eastern Tennessee’s Blackberry Farm Saison cans are when you want the luxury and class of a saison but want that beer outside on the go with you. I love this 6.3% ABV beer during a forest walk or while watching a baseball game. Cans make beer more accessible and this is the most accessible saison I know. 

Happy Spring from the Alcohol Professor! Cheers!